(14.85 cm x 21.0 cm)
Media : Watercolour, Graphite, Pen and Ink, Markers
Experimentation on different media. Some of them are inspired by many artists in social media platform such as Tumblr, Instagram and Deviantart.
Character design and relevant annotations
(14.85 cm x 21.0 cm)
Media: Colour Pencil and Graphite
A stereotypical portrayal of a creative rebellious personality.
(21.0 cm x 27.9 cm)
Media: Colour Pencil & Graphite
Life drawing helps me improve my agility, patience and visualisation skill.
Portrait drawings on A4 Sketchbook
(21.0 cm x 27.9 cm)
Media: Colour Pencil for rough sketches, and Graphite to refine finalised forms.
Drawings from photos that I come across from books and the ones that I took by myself
Painted Caricatures
(21.0 cm x 29.7cm)
Media: Watercolour, Poster Colour, HB Pencil, Colour Pencil, Pen and Ink
Caricature of personalities that I found interesting from movies, TV shows and The Internet.
Carricatures Sketches
(14.85 cm x 21.0 cm)
I bring along an A5 sketchbook wherever I go, and I sketches on public spaces during my free time. I also did some carricature of strangers and people that I just met.